영어로 읽는 책 6

작은 것이 아름답다 (Small is beautiful : E.F. Schumacher) 교육

Small is beautiful ( E. F. Schumacher)     THE GREATEST RESOURCE - EDUCATION (최대의 자원 - 교육)  Throughout history and in virtually every part of the earth men have lived and multipled, and have created some form of culture. Always and everywhere they have found their means of subsistence and something to spare. *  multiply 자손을 늘이다 유사 이래 인류는 지구 여러 곳에서 생활하며, 자손을 늘리고 일종의 문화를 창조해 왔다. 언제 어디서나 그들 나름의 생게수..

작은 것이 아름답다 (Small is beautiful : E.F. Schumacher) 개발

Small is beautiful ( E. F. Schumacher)  DEVELOPMENT (개발) A British Government White Paper on Overseas Development some years ago stated the aims of foreign aid as follows : “To do what lies within our power to help the developing countries to provide their people with the material opportunities for using their talents, of living a full and happy life and steadily improving their lot.”  수년 전 영국 정..

작은 것이 아름답다 (Small is beautiful : E.F. Schumacher) 생산

Small is beautiful ( E. F. Schumacher)     THE PROBLEM OF PRODUCTION (생산의 문제)    One of the most fateful errors of our age is the belief that ‘the problem of production’ has been solved. Not only is this belief firmly held by people remote from production and therefore professionally unacquainted with the facts– it is held by virtually all the experts, the captains of industry, the economic mana..

The Little Prince : Saint-Exupery (어린 왕자 : 생 떽쥐베리) 21~27

The Little Prince        Antoing de Saint-Exupery  이덕화 註  도솔出版社 (1994년) 21.                        It was then that the fox appeared. “Good morning,” said the fox.“Good morning,” the little prince responded politely  although when he turned around he saw nothing.“I am right here,” the voice said, “under the apple tree.” 여우가 나타난 것을 바로 그때였다. ”안녕“ 여우가 말했다.  "안녕하세요." 어린 왕자는 공손하게 대답하고 주위를 둘러보았지만 아무 것..

The Little Prince : Saint-Exupery (어린 왕자 : 쌩 떽쥐베리)11~20

The Little Prince       지은이   Antoing  de Saint-Exupery 이덕화 註  도솔出版社 (1994년)                                                                                                                                                                        11.                        The second planet was inhabited by a conceited man. "Ah! Ah! I am about to receive a visit fro  m an admire!" he exclaimed from..

The Little Prince : Saint-Exupery (어린 왕자 : 쌩 떽쥐베리) 1~10

The Little Prince        지은이  Antoine de Saint-Exupery이 덕화 註  도솔出版社 (1994년) 참고                                                                                                                              Once when I was six years old I saw a magnificent picture in a book, called True Stories from Nature, about the primeval fores. It was a picture of a boa constrictor in the act of swallowing an ..